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Can DOS 2 Phantoms reproduce acoustic programme above 24kHz?
Today I received the UMIK-2 from @struts. Thanks again for sending it over! I still need some time to do proper measurements, but could not wait to see, if the Phantom Golds (now Phantom 1, 108 DB) are able to play acoustically beyond 24kHz. Due to internal limitations put by Devialet most probably in favor of more reliable streaming over various network channels (Ethernet, WiFi, PLC) this could have been limited already way before DOS2 came out and Roon RAAT now shows in the signal path.
Here are my first observations:
In Rew using the scope function I could clearly see that the Phantom Gold with latest DOS1 operating system through normal optical, Spark, and UPNP could not output higher sine signals than 22kHz I saw confirmed with the UMIK2. But setting the Phantom to ‘optical direct’ mode it played the 25kHz sine signals well. In fact the UMIK2 measured amplitude was lower @25kHz, which is fine (low pass characteristics of the analog system, tweeter performance) but I could see a clearly nice sine curves of the 25k sine signal when played at 192k and at 96k. Also the modulated 1k and 25k signals played well in the optical direct mode. I will make recorded evidence during the weekend and publish here in the thread.
This result also bares chances that in DOS2 the optical direct mode could be capable to play resolutions the Phantom Gold speakers are able to output. It would be great someone with a DOS2 system could confirm this. I will also do the measurements with my DOS1 Silver Phantom and report.

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RE: Can DOS 2 Phantoms reproduce acoustic programme above 24kHz? - by streamy - 16-Mar-2021, 23:26

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