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State of Phantom, December 2015 (new owner questions)
(27-Dec-2015, 06:16)kameraguy Wrote: Hi All,

I am new here on the forums and am looking to purchase a pair of Phantom Silvers with Dialog and Remote.

I've tried to read as much about known issues and found the posts on these forums invaluable.

If I may, I would like to ask opinions of owners who've had their Phantoms for a good amount of time if the following issues i've read about are serious. As i've read about these issues as far back as January 2015 and it is end of year now, hopefully some or all of these issues have been addressed with either new hardware revisions or firmware updates:

- Are the reports of Dialog running "hot" a serious "problem", or normal operating temperature? I've read some posts indicating this is a serious issue, while others have mentioned a FW update seems to have reduced the operating temps. I just am not sure what is the official Devialet stance on this.

Yes it runs hot, as the heatsink is effectively on the top of the unit it verges on dangerous to touch.  If you have young kids as I do, you have to think about placement.

- Reports of hiss at low volumes seems to have been corrected or significant;y reduced with the last FW updates. Is this a problem everyone has to suggest FW is the issue, or if it is only some users having this issue, perhaps it's a manufacturing issue?

I've never had this issue, although others have on the same firmware versions so either my ears are duff (highly likely) or it's more random and possibly hardware/power related.

- Have Devialet introduced running changes to the Phantom to improve it's performance/reliability? How can I tell if the Phantoms I will purchase will be from an early MFG date or serial#?

The only hardware change I'm aware of is the addition of Bluetooth, other than that no hardware changes have been made public to my knowledge.  Tbh I wouldn't buy second hand, with a product like that I'd want the backup and support of a retailer/hifi dealer that you can call on for support if needed.

- I read that FW updates can significantly alter the sound quality. Is this something that can be reverted if you prefer the sound prior to an update?

They can by playing with the DSP settings, you cannot downgrade the firmware or manually adjust DSP settings at this time (Or ever I'd imagine - Devialet will not want to be supporting users downgrading firmware that probably has bugs in it, hence the newer firmware revisions).

- I keep reading how unstable Spark has been since introduction until now. Is Spark still unstable to the point of rendering the Phantoms a hassle to play music through? Are there ways to bypass Spark and simply stream music direct to the Phantoms such as connecting an AirPort express via toslink and using AirPlay?

Personally, coming from Sonos, I think Spark is dreadful.  Your mileage may of course vary so I'm not saying Spark is bad, just that I find it bad.  I already had a Sonos Connect so I run that into one of the Optical inputs on a Phantoms as it was easier to reach than the Dialog.  You could do the same with a Chromecast audio for a lot less money than a Sonos connect, then you will just use Spark for volume control.  I tried spark again the other day, played an album from Deezer and it skipped tracks and stopped without prompting at one point.  

- Are there any reliability issues to keep in mind?

My Phantoms are starting to go yellow above the mid driver as are others on the forum, I only noticed when cleaning the house before xmas so am yet to speak to the dealer I bought them through, I'll be calling them tomorrow.  No other reliability issues I know of yet, as I said above I'd only want these brand new through a hifi dealer so you've got someone to fight your cause if there were to be an issue.  With an all-in-one like the Phantom, if it goes wrong, self repair will be out of the question.

- I read that the Phantoms constantly stay on as there is no "standby" mode. Is there any issue using an external power switch to shut them down when not in use?

Nope although the Phantoms and dialog take a while to start up and if I remember correctly you're meant to start the Dialog up first so it's ready for the Phantoms to connect to.

And some questions on customer service please:

- With the 45-day trial, it seems there is no issue to give them a go in home. But I read from one user they had a nightmare actually returning them for a refund. Has anyone had experience with the return process?

I think this was in the USA, I'm still in my 45 day trial and I don't foresee an issue just taking them back to the dealer if I change my mind.

- Any experiences with warranty repairs? Good/bad?

None sorry.

If there is anything you can add to help a new owner, I would greatly appreciate it.

I put some thought in this thread yesterday:
Have a read, only personal opinion :-)

Thank you.

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RE: State of Phantom, December 2015 (new owner questions) - by BowlOfPetunias - 27-Dec-2015, 12:59

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