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White vs Silver ...Still unanswered
The Silver goes 6db higher. That's significant.


1. The bass extension at 16hz maxes out at something like 85 db or so. (going by memory) The 105db is for the upper bass and up.

2. For most pieces of music, the frequency does not plumb the depts of 16hz. Except for pipe organ, most acoustic music probably ends at 35hz and up. So when one is evaluating white vs silver at:
i. Normal music without low bass extension, one can't hear the difference.
ii. Even with music with low extension, i fyou are evaluating below 85db or maybe 79db, you won't hear the difference.

Hence, knowing that sometimes I may want to fill a large space and also have music that extends particularly low, I would go for the Silver if budget allows.

Personally, I do find the white to be more attractive looking than silver though I have the Silver. But that's subjective.

Messages In This Thread
RE: White vs Silver ...Still unanswered - by MountainGuy - 14-Mar-2016, 19:32
White vs Silver ...Still unanswered - by F_M - 15-Mar-2016, 01:01

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