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Is the Phantom ready for prime time?
Quick update.

I disconnected the Phantoms from the network switch and restarted. The system started using Powerline as its communication medium instead.

Seems much more reliable.

On a hunch I looked at my networking switch manual and noticed Dell enable Green Ethernet features which can cause problems with some gear. I also disabled Storm Control on the switch which I guess could interfere with any type of broadcasted UDP traffic (which streaming audio usually is).

What I wouldn't give for a simple dumb networking switch...

Anyways, following those two changes things seem pretty reliable (so far). Will keep using the system and see how it goes.

I do see some mentions here asking why Devialet don't use a 3rd party solution for their software and drop Spark entirely. If they did that they would lose control of how their products are used and the end user experience.
I don't want to delve into my own background but speaking from experience it really is key to own your whole technology stack as much as possible. Otherwise you're at the mercy of your software partners whims and wants.

Sometimes this does result in inferior pieces in your product than if you say integrated a superior 3rd party library or application. In the long run, not owning the consumer facing software which integrates with their products would leave Devialet at a significant disadvantage. And in the long run, with enough cash, they can hire the developers they need to get Spark to a level of polish which the hardware already possesses.

I just hope they don't alienate early adopters in the process with mediocre software. They have to iterate very fast because I swear, if I see Spark asking me to re-run setup one more time I'm gonna be returning this stuff - cool as it is nobody who can afford this gear can afford to waste a whole day messing with it!

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RE: Is the Phantom ready for prime time? - by dogbait - 22-May-2016, 12:26

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