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Analogue warmth
I don’t think I’m getting my point across. I’m not saying that the very best of digital can’t sound fantastic. It can...indeed it better as I’ve just bought a Devialet and an Innuos streamer. What I am saying is that the vast majority of digital music we hear sounds like crap and the reason it does is that its manipulated, filtered, compressed and condensed to the point very little of the original music remains. It’s not so much that digital can’t sound musical, because it can. But the argument that people prefer analog recordings because of its inherent distortions is just rubbish. People prefer analog recordings above the majority of consumer digital because the digital has been so badly mauled and mutilated that very little of the original music remains. Listen to a carefully recorded high resolution 24/96+ File through a capable DAC and it sounds great...good enough that consumers almost certainly aren’t going to pine for old analog recordings. But that’s the bleeding edge of digital technology, where you guys live. For the most part and for the vast majority of the music consuming public, the digital recordings they hear every day and that people buy and download are nothing like that. They are at best 16/44.1 and at worst some hideous sounding MP3
So again, the reason people are pining over the warmth in good analog recordings is not because they are distorted...its because the digital cattle fodder they’re being fed is sooo bad and utterly lacking in any musical attributes.

Messages In This Thread
Analogue warmth - by thumb5 - 26-Oct-2017, 19:40
RE: Analogue warmth - by f1eng - 27-Oct-2017, 18:41
RE: Analogue warmth - by simplicate - 27-Oct-2017, 21:51
RE: Analogue warmth - by watchnerd - 28-Oct-2017, 18:53
RE: Analogue warmth - by Blackmorec - 08-Dec-2017, 07:13
RE: Analogue warmth - by Blackmorec - 08-Dec-2017, 07:42
RE: Analogue warmth - by f1eng - 08-Dec-2017, 17:53
RE: Analogue warmth - by watchnerd - 08-Dec-2017, 07:43
RE: Analogue warmth - by Blackmorec - 10-Dec-2017, 10:07
RE: Analogue warmth - by thumb5 - 10-Dec-2017, 11:01
RE: Analogue warmth - by Blackmorec - 10-Dec-2017, 11:36
RE: Analogue warmth - by Axel - 10-Dec-2017, 12:24
RE: Analogue warmth - by thumb5 - 10-Dec-2017, 12:44
RE: Analogue warmth - by thumb5 - 10-Dec-2017, 12:42
RE: Analogue warmth - by Confused - 10-Dec-2017, 12:54
RE: Analogue warmth - by Blackmorec - 10-Dec-2017, 15:39
RE: Analogue warmth - by yabaVR - 10-Dec-2017, 18:12
RE: Analogue warmth - by Music or sound - 10-Dec-2017, 19:31
RE: Analogue warmth - by Damon - 11-Dec-2017, 01:21

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