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How to improve Jitter issue via USB/ETHERNET ?
Hey thumb5,
I'm not determined to not believe in psychoacoustics and expectation bias. I deal with this every time I do ABs or try out new things. Some times the first impression might be false and other (most) times it's right. The thing I don't want to discuss about psychoacoustics and expectation bias is that these arguments are so blunt and worn to me but only count for a very small percentage in my experience. I klicked the link and did the test in the video. I can confirm that it's valid but I have to say I only read the first line of the text and then viewed the video. I immediately felt that something was wrong with the presentation of this woman's voice. It was disturbing. Then I read the text and did the test again and yes I can confirm the test. It just tells me that my brain can be deceived when my eyes AND my ears are giving different perceptions at the SAME time. But this effect at least for me is not related to ABs in HiFi audio.
It's my habit to listen to music eyes closed and for me a difference in sound while doing an AB is apparend from 1s -5s at the beginning or the resume of a song. And it's so easy because the differences are quiet big with cables. Differences are smaller with e.g. upsampling or software updates (for audio) or digital filters and the like. I misleaded myself one time or another with that. But you get the wrong things right in long time listening sessions.

It's not my purpose to be right on the things I say. But as I know the sound texture of jitter well and I can hear this texture when comparing digital cables (synchronouds & asynchronous). My best guess is that the difference is due to jitter. Now, it could be anything else I (we) don't know of and you can call it 'badness'. I call it what comes next to my empirical knowledge.
So no fight and no 'my ears are better than yours'. Peace.


p.s. For me the test by the link confirms that my eyes can easily be fooled but my hearing tells me the truth when my eyes are closed. Our ears are by far the most sensitive sense we have and for that can be trusted the most. No doubt though that the perception of the material world is all made up in our brain.
"Oh, you can buy the other. But then it is a cost intensive learning process"

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RE: Devialet has NO Jitter issue via USB/ETHERNET ? - by yabaVR - 03-Apr-2018, 09:24

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