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Using Mac Mini as streamer plus music server
As this is about experience in using Mac Mini as a music server/streamer, here‘s what I encountered with a Mac Mini 2018 bought about a week ago: I intended to use the Mac Mini just as that, as a server/streamer to free my aging Mac Book Pro. I therefore bought a powerful new 6-core i7 with 16 GB RAM and 1 TB internal SSD storage running the latest Mojave OS. I have my music library stored on an external Samsung 2 TB SSD drive that I connected via USB-C to my new Mac Mini. I migrated my Roon license from the Mac Book Pro laptop onto the new Mac Mini. I should sah that my previous setup ran perfectly fine with Roon.

Migration went perfectly fine and the Mac Mini streamed music to my Devialet Expert 120 via Ethernet Cat 7a. But when I started streaming 24/192 files stored locally on my external SSD, crackling set in and made listening impossible! Occasional crackles occured with 24/96 files, but not at all with 24/48. Normal Redbook files streamed without hickups. I was getting annoyed and migrated Roon back to my Mac Book Pro running High Sierra as OS. No cracklings whatsoever, not even with 24/192 files. All perfectly smooth and fine!

I also tried Audirvana + with my files connecting to the Devialet with Air: same effect, crackles were pronounced with 24/192 files, rare with 24/96, and non exising with 24/48 or 16/48 files.

I suspect the culprit to be Air that has a an issue with Mojave OS.

For the moment, I switched back to using my Aurender N100H as this setup works absolutely flawlessly via USB. I guess I have to wait till either Roon or Devialet fixes issues with Mojave and Air. Rather disappointed at the moment!
SonicTransporter i5 - AirPort Extreme - Devialet Expert 120 - ATC SCM 19 v1

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RE: Using Mac Mini as streamer plus music server - by Sailor4W - 27-Dec-2018, 15:16

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