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Phantom Gold - To buy or not to buy. That is the question
Thanks for the reply guys/gals.
This is the kind of response I want to read. As mentioned, I love the sound and design so Im wanting to hear positive comments to help me pull the trigger and purchase.
I really hope they add a graphic equalizer to Spark eventually. I know Im going to get a lot of heat for what Im about to say, but I plan to use my regular Samsung music player on
my mobile to connect to the Golds via blue tooth. The reason is because Spark has no graphic equalizer and my Samsung music player does. Ive tested the sound quality when listening to the same song via Spark wifi connection to the Golds and blue tooth connection through my Samsung mobile phone music player and even though the sound quality is supposed to be superior via wifi..................I simply got a much more dynamic and pleasing sound via blue tooth because of the equalizer and its customization to my liking.

I'm not interested in the technical details regarding loss of quality through blue tooth compared to wifi and all that mumbo jumbo. I trust my ears and it is clear to me that the Golds sound far better when I listen via blue tooth with an equalizer set exactly to my liking vs the sound Spark produces without an equalizer.

This is why the idea of a Spark update which includes and graphic equalizer makes me very excited. I can only imagine how much better my music will sound via a Spark wifi connection PLUS an equalizer to customize the sound to my liking.

Thank you all for your comments.
Does anyone else have any comments regarding their experience with a pair of Phantoms? Standard, Silver or Gold?

Thank you.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Phantom Gold - To buy or not to buy. That is the question - by Michalsavatar - 16-Sep-2019, 12:06

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