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standalone, fire-and-forget web radio and DOS2
Hello everyone,

what's been holding me back from upgrading to DOS2 (and from buying a second Classic) is the way web radios are handled with Spark. Basically, it's like Spotify Connect. You start the app, choose what you want, start playback and then it doesn't matter what you do with your phone or PC, playback will not stop until you tell it to. The phone can lose connectivity, the app can be shut down, it doesn't matter. You've just directed the Phantom to play that source, and it will.

I don't want to lose this functionality. I don't want to worry about being the source of music for the family, making sure that my phone stays in range, has enough juice, having to figure out what other device could be a new source to switch to if I decide to go to the shop around the corner and don't want to deprive the family of whatever they are hearing.

Can this be achieved with DOS2?

Thanks all

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standalone, fire-and-forget web radio and DOS2 - by yepyepyep4711 - 26-Dec-2019, 02:01

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