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New Phantom II owner - Problem Solved
Hi all, just received my new Phantom IIs a couple of days ago and the following is a list of my experiences (good and not-so-good):

1. Ordering direct from Devialet went well, except the ordering page would not accept my credit card, so had to use PayPal.
2. Delivery from France to Canada was fast and seamless.
3. Packaging is outstanding, on par with Apple.
4. Setup was fast and easy. Had both Phantoms running in stereo mode over Airplay in about 5 minutes.
5. At first listen, the sound was not great, but then again the Phantoms were literally ice-cold from the delivery truck.
6. After playing for a couple of hours, the sound improved dramatically, and after a couple of days of playing, sound fantastic.
7. Yesterday, the Devialet app announced an upgrade to each Phantom, so I ran the update and afterwards, neither Phantom would respond to AirPlay. After a few minutes of panic and some research on the Devialet site, I realized the update had switched both Phantoms to Aux input. Turned that off and all was good.
8. Then this morning, Apple Music over Airplay just stopped, mid song. Re-booted the Phantoms, no luck. Airplay showed a connection, but no sound. Tried Radio Paradise over Airplay and that worked!
9. On my iPhone 12, I turned Bluetooth off and on, the same for WiFi. Bingo, now everything works.  Smile

So, some teething problems, but all in all, I am super happy with the Phantom IIs. Will update as time goes on.

Thursday, November 17. All was good last evening. This morning, nothing. Speakers played one note then stopped. Reset my internet, turned off the Phantoms, unplugged for 5 minutes. Plugged back in and tried again. One speaker played and after about 15 minutes, stopped. The Devialet app is communicating with the Phantoms, but Airplay cannot connect. Any suggestions?

OK, tried multiple avenues, and the best I could get was a connection for about 1 second, then nothing.. Then did a hard reset on my iPhone 12 and bingo, all is good. So, seems there's some sort of 'hand-shaking' issue with Airplay and the Phantoms. I have a service request into Devialet. Will let everyone know the outcome.

Friday: Devialet has asked for a report and I have replied. Will post their response. Today seems stable, but then I did not turn my phone off last, as I usually do. More to come... Smile

So, problem was my Bell 3000 router put one Phantom on the 2.4GHz network and the other on the 5.0GHz network.
I logged into my router and went to the administrator settings to give each Devialet a static IP address and both on the 5GHz network. Fixed instantly. Big thanks to Yusuf . See below:

Hi Robin,

In the report you have sent, I do see both Phantoms as connected, the reason you are not seeing them is that one of them is in 2.4ghz and the other in 5 ghz frequency band on your wifi network.

The way to solve that is to ask your provider to split your wifi into two so that you have :
BELLxxx for the 2.4ghz and BELLxxx-5 for the 5ghz

Then configure your Phantoms to the 5ghz wifi and you will be good to go !

Yusuf | Customer service & support Devialet
@Hawkman So, what happened after November 18? All good or more difficulties? 95 dB or 98dB?
Roon, ROCK/Audiolense XO/Music on NAS/EtherRegen/RoPieee/USPCB/ISORegen/USPCB/Sound Devices USBPre2/Tannoy GOLD 8
250 Pro CI, MicroRendu(1.4), Mutec MC-3+USB
(04-Jan-2023, 14:43)ogs Wrote: @Hawkman So, what happened after November 18? All good or more difficulties? 95 dB or 98dB?

Hiya! Sorry, just saw this message. Once sorted the Devialets are wonderful. For my main living area the 95dB models are more than adequate, especially as a stereo pair. I rarely have them over 50%.

The main issue is not with the Phantoms, but with Airplay 2. Once or twice, I will go to play from my iPhone 12 (iOS 16.2) and it will connect for about 1 second and then, no sound.

I have to re-configure the Phantoms to re-connect.

It never happens while they are playing, but after they have been shut down for the night.

Bit frustrating.
OK, now dead in the water. Cannot get my Phantoms to connect using Airplay at all. Suggestions? I have tried the previous methods of re-configuring. No luck.
Running the latest 16.3 update.

230201 - So, intermittent success getting Airplay to connect. Tried bluetooth without any success at all. Finally called Devialet Support and sent a log thru the Devialet app. This allows the service tech to see what's happening in real time.
The Phantom IIs are now connected and running over Airplay II off my laptop.
The tech suggested sending an email right away if they drop off or will not connect again.
Will post the results as events unfold...stay tuned.
Just reset the Network settings on your iPhone. That helped me with the exact problem:
(01-Feb-2023, 20:54)max_jenkins Wrote: Just reset the Network settings on your iPhone. That helped me with the exact problem:

Thx Max!

Devialet tech guy Yusuf did some remote diagnostics on my pair of Phantom IIs - turned out that my wifi network had one Phantom set to the 5 GHz band and the other to the 2.4 GHz band.
I reset my modem, so they both have static IP addresses and both are on the 5 GHz band.
Connected and listening as I write.
I will monitor and report periodically.
(01-Feb-2023, 20:54)max_jenkins Wrote: Just reset the Network settings on your iPhone. That helped me with the exact problem:

It’s bizarre the number of idiocratic issues resetting network settings fix. Some seemingly unrelated to networking.
It's always a good thing to try when baffled.
So, interesting problem - After having intermittent issues with wifi stability I finally went with ethernet to each speaker. All good, though it took a bit of fiddling, having to restart the Phantoms to get the ethernet to communicate. Anyway, all good using Airplay on my iPhone 12 and Apple Music, or Radio Paradise. Then, out of the blue, no communication with Airplay. Restarted my internet, restarted the Phantoms. Nada - using the iPhone. Tried turning Airplay on and off, restarted the phone. Nothing. Went to my MacBook Air, started Radio Paradise on Chrome, choose the Phantoms for the Sound menu - Bingo! Went to Apple Music and no problem. Went back to my iPhone and it's all good. Playing once again.
The Phantom setup seem all good. I suspect a conflict with Airplay. Thoughts?
First, thank you Hangman.  I installed the new update for my Phantoms today and could not get them to play from iPhone Airplay.  No luck from rebooting phone, apps and speakers.  I then followed your advice of turning off bluetooth and wifi and then re-turning on wifi and they played immediately, in stereo.

I've had a prior problem that some of you may want to consider, and that Devialet helped me with.  My cable provider supplies a really fantastic, Calix Giga-spire router.  But its default high security channel flummoxed the Phantoms, so only one would ever play, with occasional episodes of stereo.  My ISP created a separate, unsecured channel that greatly increased reliability.  

Here is what Devialet customer service said the minimum network requirements were:

There's also network requirements, you can have a check to see if it aligns with the below:
  • WPA2 security (WPA3 causes issues)
  • Dynamic Packet Filtering, a.k.a. Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI) turned off
  • IPv6 disabled (IPv4 only)

Of course I don't know if this will help anyone else but I thought I'd share my problem and experience.  And these requirements may have been eliminated in the most recent update focused on "stability".
Oops. Hawkman. Sorry I remembered your name incorrectly and didn't check.

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