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Strange firmware change
The other day I downloaded the firmware from the Devialet website. The firmware version is unchanged (FIRMWARE 13.2.0 + DOS 2.2.6 - released in 2020), so the files should have been identical.
However, I noticed that the "main" file (dos_ae0c07f0.can) has a relatively recent modification date. The file downloaded in 2020 has a modification date of 09.09.2020 09:47, and the one downloaded now has a modification date of 31.01.2024 18:54. The content of the two files is not identical either.
On the other hand, I uploaded the new firmware into the amplifier and did not notice any change in the information shown on the display.
There’s proof Devialet are still doing updates on the Expert series. It would help to know what though
                                                    Lifetime Roon, Mac mini, int. SSD, ext. HDD, tv as monitor, key board and track pad on bean bag as remote,Devialet 200, Od'A #097, Blue jeans speaker cable,                                     
                                                                                                                                                                            Dynaudio C1 MkII.
                                                                                                                                                                              Jim Smith's GBS.
                                                                                                                                                                        Northern NSW Australia.
I don't understand the structure and purpose of all those files. What I called the "main" file is the file with the largest size. If this file is, in fact, the firmware installer, then it means that the actual firmware is unchanged (the other files are unchanged).
Only the dos file has a newer file date. This is the operating system for the ci board. But version number and size is unchanged. No update…
Is this a new firmware update for Expert Pro?

Last Expert Pro firmware version
Devialet App 1.21 APK
Devialet App 1.21 APK
(26-May-2024, 11:47)BC Audio Wrote: Is this a new firmware update for Expert Pro?

Last Expert Pro firmware version
Devialet App 1.21 APK
Devialet App 1.21 APK

No. APK is the remote app installer for Android. It's a mess on the Devialey website, it's happened before.
Notice on Devialet Configurator page: "IMPORTANT : Please note Devialet Air may not be compatible with future Windows or Mac OS versions."

AT least they know their apps don't work.
220 Pro CI,  B&W 805 D3,  SVS ultra sub with upgraded amp.  Streaming with Sirius XM, Apple Music, Apple Classical.
But they're still spending good money to advertise Expert Pro amplifiers in audio press?

I have no words for companies like these.

• Kuzma Stabi S turntable • Kuzma Stogi S arm • Benz Micro ACE H cartridge • PC with MusicBee / WASAPI source • Oyaide d+ NEO B-Class USB cable • Devialet 200 amplifier • Blue Jeans Ten speaker cable • GoldenEar Triton One •

That's peculiar! It sounds like there may have been minor updates or bug fixes that didn't affect the version number. Always interesting to see how firmware evolves!
There is nothing evolving guys, let’s be honest here. Devialet opened a new store in Dubai and as far as I can see from the videos there is no Expert product there. They don’t even list it in their own shops anymore. I think our only hope is to have the firmware publicly shared with us that we can somehow build a community support around it but knowing Devialet, it is very unlikely to happen.
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