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Active Kudos Titans w/Devialets?
(28-Sep-2023, 14:48)[email protected] Wrote:
(29-Dec-2022, 13:16)wiresandmore Wrote: Hi

Is anyone running Kudos Titans in active mode with their Devialet amplifiers? 

I have 440Pro w/PMC 25.26, and I'm looking at other speaker options. 

Interested in any experiences!



I appreciate this thread is a few months old now so it may no longer be a relevant question for you, but I have just configured my Kudos Titan 707's to run as active with a pair of  Ex Pro 140's.  I have had one 140 for a couple of years and recently upgraded my speakers to the 707's.  After reading a few reviews of the improvements achievable by running in active mode, I decided to purchase a second 140 and give it a go.

The setup is very straightforward, but do definitely contact Kudos for the correct settings (they informed me that the 'default' settings Devialet suggested would seriously damage the speakers!).  The only issue I had was getting the two 140's to communicate with each other.  This seemed to be caused by one the the amps being 'hard coded' as the Master.  Trying to configure it as the companion would not work no matter what I or Devialet support tried.  Anyway switching them round fixed the issue straight away. 

After checking the cabling several times (noting what Kudos said about damaging their speakers) I turned on and I have to say the results are very good indeed!  Unfortunately, it's not possible to do a quick A/B test as switching back to Passive requires reconfiguring the amp and reconnecting the speaker cables, but all I can say is that I am very happy with the sound they are producing.  Admittedly I was very happy with their sound before the change (they really are excellent speakers) but I now no longer have that niggling feeling that I'm not getting the best performance out of them.

That annoying niggle has been replaced by a slight concern that should either of the two SD cards ever fail and the 140's start up in default settings I would instantly destroy my speakers, but some of us are never completely happy!

Hope this helps.


Hi Darren,

Popped back in to the chat today and very happy to see your reply.

That looks like a lovely minimalist setup and it's great to know that you've tried the active setup and it's worked well - those speakers look fabulous.

I am about to be in a very similar situation so if it's Ok i'll get in touch directly via messaging to understand more about the cabling, config and how to safely trial this.

Many thanks!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Active Kudos Titans w/Devialets? - by Pim - 29-Dec-2022, 23:13
RE: Active Kudos Titans w/Devialets? - by JonathanG - 29-Sep-2023, 11:51

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