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Phantom Resolution....anyway to improve...?
I am a very happy Phantom owner (2 Silver Phantoms + Dialog) - as I mentioned in other threads there are some issues (I really need a folder view in Spark due to the nature of my library, and I had to connect both Phantoms and Dialog with cables to allow for proper 24bit/192kHz playback) but they are truly minor when weighed against the incredible sound these guys produce. I've owned Sonos products for years... yes their app is superior (I've been a beta tester for Sonos, I truly believe their beta program allows the app to develop without introducing issues) but there is absolutely no comparison when it comes to sound, and I've used Sonos in stereo pairs as well. My Sony HAP-Z1E and Bryston BDP-1 with BDA-2 are both very good digital players - Sony has a great app, while Bryston utilizes MDP and assorted apps. Since I purchased the Phantoms I've found myself barely listening to my other gear. Yes my 2.0 set-up is much more expensive, my full-range tower speakers offer a more complete sound, etc... But for daily listening I still turn to the Phantoms and my 2.0 set-up is mostly reserved for analog and long listening sessions.

I guess the best judge of the Phantoms was my wife. She hated the price tag, hated their look (I can't even mention what she said about the power cables), but as soon as I played Adele for her and the vocals carried through the room... she looked at me and simply said "I approve."

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RE: Phantom Resolution....anyway to improve...? - by em0 - 20-Nov-2015, 22:25

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