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No news....!? Is Devialet Chat dying in it’s boredom?
In terms of whether the brand or this site are less exciting, I think most people have just moved on with their lives. The latest shakeups have shown very little in terms of promised change at Devialet. They’ve abandoned the Experts prior to the pro (you know, the ones that can never become obsolete thanks to Devialet's pioneering EVO platform that simply doesn't allow it Smile, er, oh...).

There’s seemingly little going on in Phantom arena and overall the brand is tarnished by their poor customer attitude and sloppy programming. The brand even seemingly lost a considerable amount of love from this sites founders.

Those who have a Devialet and love it stick with them no matter what. They’re content and I guess the most outrageous bugs etc have been addressed in some fashion over the past year. Those that have given up have sold and moved on, or just learned that its largely pointless worrying about it as it makes no difference.

The brand isn’t the darling it was for a short time.

My biggest surprise was that Core Infinity worked by the time I got it. Ok, not perfectly, but I’ve learned that’s the best I should hope for, and the rest will be a welcome surprise if it comes through. Beyond that there seems little point talking about it. I guess I've just finally succumbed to the Deviate way.

Perhaps they’ll surprise us yet. At the moment they’re in danger of being predicable - which we know never holds. But I also often expect to visit here and see they’ve gone under.....

My next move will be active speakers which is just a matter of time until something comes out that I like and can afford - so many great things happening there - so for now I’ll cling onto the D to save losing cash in another audio swap. But I won’t miss it when it’s gone. I’d miss this place a lot more!

>>> 1st Place Award: Devialet, last decades most disappointing technology purchase.  <<<


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RE: No news....!? Is Devialet Chat dying in it’s boredom? - by Hifi_swlon - 16-Sep-2018, 11:25

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