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A Confused streaming system - Mutec / SOtM Ultra
@David A - Thanks for the post and clarification.  I do understand exactly what you are saying, in fact, it looks like we are saying pretty much exactly the same thing, although there is maybe a slight change in emphasis between how we are expressing things.  So we are in agreement.  Of course, I have the advantage over other posters on the forum, as I can actually hear the things I am describing.  It is for this reason that I keep mentioning the fact that although the mR and SOtM kit measure the same in terms of frequency response, the SOtM kit really does sound much brighter, a curious phenomena!  It is true though that this has propelled the HF issue to the front of my conciseness, so I am definitely paying far too much attention to it, exactly as you describe.  It is a vicious circle I think, but it will be interesting to see how this one plays out over time, as I get more used to things.  One thing I have realised is that I have been subconsciously concentrating on HF ever since adding the 1000Pro.  One example of this is reading my own notes that I made when trying HQPlayer filters, the majority of the notes relate to things like HF and presence band performance, with some notes mentioning bass performance (not as many as for HF), with no mention of mid range at all.  So here I can see you are absolutely correct.  It is fascinating how the HF issue was kind of lurking in my subconscious for a while, but the SOtM kit managed to propel it firmly into my conscious side of my thinking.  Genuinely fascinating, especially when you consider the SOtM kit has made zero difference to measurable frequency response.  It shows how powerful psychology is with audio.

As an interim update, I have also been thinking a bit about my efforts with room correction.  I can see now that trying to correct for the "sweat spot" with the microphone in one specific location does not work, because if you shift the microphone a couple of inches (roughly the distance between my ears), the peaks ant troughs move, and the correction goes out of sync.  (in the HF region at least)  I can see now why some room correction methods record frequency sweeps with multiple microphone positions and then average the results.  I think that if I do this it will give me a more accurate / practical / usable idea of any issues with room / speaker interaction and what I should be correcting.

As I said before, I am an absolute novice with respect to Room correction, but learning fast (learning the hard way though).  If anyone has any tips for someone at this early stage of playing with RC, or links to good reading material, this would be appreciated.   Something very useful, but relatively simple, is probably what I need at this stage!

Edit:  A further question to the room correction experts out there.  I have a UMIK-1 microphone which I have been using for my measurements with REW.  I note that there is a suggestion that when measuring with REW the microphone should be pointing directly upwards, rather than horizontal / towards the speakers.  Is this correct?  Are there uses when horizontal or vertical is preferable?  I set up the UMIK-1 for use in REW a couple of years ago and added the specific calibration file.  I cannot remember if this was a "90°" calibration or not.  What is the recommendation?
1000 Pro - KEF Blade - iFi Zen Stream - Mutec REF10 - MC3+USB - Pro-Ject Signature 12

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RE: A Confused streaming system - Mutec / SOtM Ultra - by Confused - 16-Apr-2018, 11:11

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