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A Confused streaming system - Mutec / SOtM Ultra
Well, I appreciate all the detailed posts Brian (Confused) contributes here and I am sure many readers benefit from his prose. It seems to me that his common denominator is his Kef Blades and would be whatever make/model of speaker he might use in his system. Therefore, unless a Kef Blade user, probably no-one can draw any conclusions from what Brian generously contributes in the spade fulls that he does, and in acknowledgement, bravo for that!

Purely from a personal perspective, I am not convinced by Kef Blades. I do not hold them in the high esteem others seem to. In fact, I persist with my home built World Audio Design KLS3 Mk2 with tweeter upgrade to Seas Millennium. I don’t use any fancy digital cables and use roon plugged directly into my D250 with nothing between the modem and the amp apart from my sonicTransporter and a digital switch unit. With this uncomplicated system, I personally make similar listening observations Brian does with his system. I remain doubtful I could improve the sound. To me, accepting the limitations of reproduction of musical sound in ones personal listening room, it can’t get a lot better. I know the weaknesses of my system. I would benefit by going infinite baffle on my speakers, but the necessary addition to cabinet volume would make that domestically unacceptable.

Having talked with Mathieu Pernot on the design and performance of Devialet amplifiers, I was much struck by his comment that they have been designed to give the ultimate performance capable. Personally I am happy to live with that, feeding speakers I trust and believe in.

Please understand. This is no disrespect to Brian. It is my way, just another way. I readily accept that my way will not meet the needs of others.

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RE: A Confused streaming system - Mutec / SOtM Ultra - by Greg - 18-Aug-2018, 22:28

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