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A Confused streaming system - Mutec / SOtM Ultra
As mentioned in previous posts, I now have a whole list of things to try in my seemingly never efforts to optimise my system.  First to say it is just that now, optimising.  This time last year I was not happy with certain aspects of how the system sounded, now I am, so from here it is the simple but seemingly never ending quest to find just that little bit more performance.

Anyway, in previous posts I had mentioned that the Arcam Blu-ray player actually outperformed the SOtM kit when performing the relatively simple task of playing music from a USB drive.  In my rack I still have my old Musical Fidelity CD player, and it would help if this was now removed from the system.  I think lowing the height of this rack and hence the height of my turntable would have a small benefit to room acoustics, with the rack and TT being to one side of the listening position.  However, I still occasionally use the Musical Fidelity CD player, maybe playing a borrowed CD or a quick play of a new CD before it has been ripped, this kind of thing.  It is a secondary use of the system, but it gave rise to the question of how would a relatively new Arcam Blu-ray player perform in comparison to a now almost 20 years old dedicated CD player?  Although I had got good results with the Arcam from a USB drive, I had never tried it in an A/B test as a disc spinner.  I knew I would have a couple of quiet hours this morning, so I thought I would give this a try.  In preparation, I had made a short playlist, which I had burnt to two identical CD-R discs.  Both players were powered up and left running for a couple of hours to ensure any clocks etc. were warmed up and stable.  I wanted to compare both as devices to feed the MC3+USB/REF10, so I could not do direct A/B swaps via input.  This was a case of setting up both players so I had easy access to the back of the units, running the same music on both, and simply swapping the S/PDIF cable to make the switch.  Not ideal, but doable.

The conclusion was that even as a disc spinner, the Arcam was the better sounding of the two.  Not a massive difference, my ancient Musical Fidelity player could still hold it's own, but the Arcam was the better of the two.  A simple test with a clear conclusion.

With this done, I tried the Arcam via USB again, and I would say this remains the best of the lot.  So although the Arcam can beat an old Musical Fidelity as a disc spinner, the Arcam cannot beat itself running from a USB drive.

I think I was in the right kind of mood for experimenting this morning, so I then tried the Arcam direct to the Devialet, rather than through the MC3+USB/REF10.  It still sounded pretty decent, but it was pretty clear that the Arcam playing via USB / Mutec MC3+USB / REF10 remains the best of the lot. 

So that's one thing crossed of the audio "to do" list, many more to go.  Back to the music now.....  Shy
1000 Pro - KEF Blade - iFi Zen Stream - Mutec REF10 - MC3+USB - Pro-Ject Signature 12

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RE: A Confused streaming system - Mutec / SOtM Ultra - by Confused - 01-Sep-2019, 13:16

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