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News about AIR-crackling noise from Munich
I have to say... 4 years ago, I was a Naim fan. I bought a SuperUniti, hooked it to a router with a Cat6e wire, set the machine and never ever ever had a problem with drop outs or white noise while streaming with it, hi rez or not. I'm an average guy that likes music, hate to have cds or lps lying in my listening room. I'm not a techi, i just play music out of a computer.... I repeat.. Never ever had a problem streaming with Naim ( wi-fi, had many drop outs on HiRez files but thats another story - i'm talking about a wired connection here ).

So when I came to Devialet, it was a very quick decision. I heard a 200 with my speakers and bought it period. My idea was streaming; the exact same set up I had with Naim. I wasnt aware of the white noise problem. The 200 was delivered to my home and 2 days after, bang, white noise. What a downer! I cannot play AIR for more than 1 hour without getting it.

Again, this was the same set up I had with the Naim SU. Something is wrong with AIR. If you are a serious company, you dont claim to be "ze best in ze world" and let average people like me with those kind of problems. You find the problem and fix it. Period.

This said, I love everything about Devialet: the product, the sound, the upgrade, the innovation, the technology and the price. But I will never use AIR because I've invested in a Aurender X100L and perfectly satisfied as this machine works without any problem. And I dont recommend Devialet if you want to stream. I've said it to all my friends. If you buy Devialet, its not for streaming... Its for the rest.

What I dont like about Devialet and that whole issue about white noise is the lack of respect they show to all the people who bought their product with streaming in mind and cant because the product is just not working. Guys, get your things right before wanting to change the world! You're lucky that the product sounds so good; one day, another guy will come up and then it will be pay time for all that lack of respect.

So... When is it going to work for real? There's still a little bit of time left before someone comes with a better solution...
Dedicated Mains >Crystal Standard Power Cables >Aurender X100L >Locus Design Essentia USB >D200 >Siltech 330L >Dynaudio C1 Signature


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RE: News about AIR-crackling noise from Munich - by Yippedidou - 21-May-2015, 23:26

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