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Sorted at last!
Just thought it may be useful to follow-up with my testing between wireless and ethernet connectivity to Phantom.

Normally I connect Phantom via wireless 5GHz. This works but I sometimes get odd dropouts in sound and phase.

I decided to buy a PLC setup for my home as it is not prewired for ethernet. I bought this which is conveniently a set of three units:

After setting up Phantoms to connect to Dialog via ethernet this way, I took some time to listen to different recordings, switching back and forth between connection types. Note: I wish/hope Devialet may consider updating Spark to allow on-the-fly connection switching between ethernet and wireless in the future. This is a feature request I will be submitting through the app.

I have to say I honestly could not tell a difference. But, this is just my personal observation. Since we all hear differently, I recognize perhaps I lack the ability to discern any differences that exist.

On the plus side, connected via ethernet has proven to be absolutely more odd dropouts. So that alone is enough reason for me to stay with ethernet.

Messages In This Thread
Sorted at last! - by misterpete - 08-Mar-2016, 19:57
RE: Sorted at last! - by kameraguy - 08-Mar-2016, 20:41
RE: Sorted at last! - by EvPa - 08-Mar-2016, 23:31
RE: Sorted at last! - by misterpete - 09-Mar-2016, 00:14
RE: Sorted at last! - by frenkb - 09-Mar-2016, 07:16
RE: Sorted at last! - by Johnnydev - 09-Mar-2016, 08:17
RE: Sorted at last! - by jonstatt - 10-Mar-2016, 11:39
RE: Sorted at last! - by misterpete - 09-Mar-2016, 11:10
RE: Sorted at last! - by kameraguy - 09-Mar-2016, 21:00
RE: Sorted at last! - by kameraguy - 24-Mar-2016, 00:57
RE: Sorted at last! - by trashken - 24-Mar-2016, 08:21
RE: Sorted at last! - by misterpete - 24-Mar-2016, 19:29
RE: Sorted at last! - by P52 - 27-Mar-2016, 22:09

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