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A Confused streaming system - Mutec / SOtM Ultra
I ended last weekend’s experiments intrigued by the post by @alandbush regarding my 4.75kHz peak, and was most interested in the fact that reading the description of what the ‘presence’ frequency range can do to your perception of sound was pretty much a perfect description of why the SOtM kit seamed to irritate me in some areas.  I also had some issues using REW last week via the SOtM or mR, whist I got perfectly consistent results, REW would only work if I generated the WAV file in 16bit (it would produce a graph using 24bit, but it was clearly erroneous), another REW issue I had was that although results were consistent through AIR, the mR and SOtM streaming options, the bass end of the curve was massively dipped versus using REW to play the sweep in real time.  So although I made measurements that proved the SOtM and mR otions were tonally very similar, I did not have much confidence in the overall results versus the conventional way of using REW, which produces a nice curve and shows the in room bass reinforcement you might expect.  I experimented with this again today, with the same problematic results, so I remain a little baffled.  Anyway, I gave up on this, because I do not want to spend hours messing about with REW issues.
Reverting to using REW using the conventional way and running the measurement sweeps through AIR indicated a similar peak at about 4.6kHz, this looked similar to last week’s measurements, albeit the peak is at about 4.75kHz.

I tried left / right checks, these show a less pronounced peak at about 4.6kHz, with the next dip at about 5.7kHz.  Interestingly, the curves for left and right are very similar.  I am not an expert in room acoustics, but it does look like this might be a case of left and right peaks reinforcing each other.
With other experimenting I found moving the measurement microphone back 1m or so gives me a dip at 4.6kHz, but invokes a new peak at 5.1kHz.  This peak is perhaps less pronounced, but not by much.  After a few runs it was clear that the peak is dependent of microphone location, much as you would expect.  It was also clear that there is perhaps anther peak at about 3kHz.  Sometimes I will listen to music when sat at a computer desk at the back of the room, this is 2 or 3 metres back from the listening position and offset left to right, this position shows a 3kHz as the most pronounced peak, with 4.75kHz peak almost eliminated.  
OK, so I move the measurement microphone and the REW curves change a bit, this is no surprise, in fact, it is exactly what you would expect.  This did leave the question as to why I now have a 4.75kHz peak in the listening position and earlier REW reading do not show this.  What has changed in the room?  Nothing of significance.  One thing I could think that I had done is move the right hand Blade to get better access to the rack, this was when I was installing the new kit and making a couple of other changes in the rack.  The speaker was then moved back to the same location as indicated by dents in the carpet caused by the speaker’s feet.  Did the right hand speaker go back exactly where it was?  Maybe not, they are on IsoAccousics feet, not spikes, so the location could be fractionally different. As an experiment, I tried reducing the toe-in of the right hand speaker by an absolute fraction, within the tolerance of the carpet indentation, if you like.  I could not see this would make much difference, but it did, the 4.6kHz peak was eliminated.  If I am honest, I am slightly staggered by this result. I had changed the toe-in of the right hand Blade by an amount that I would consider to be utterly insignificant, certainly nothing to worry about, but this had taken 4dB off the 4.6kHz peak.  
With my new but not really changed that much at all speaker location, I tried the sweep at the desk top location, and the 3kHz peak I mentioned before was no longer prominent either.
These results were almost beyond belief, at this point I was genuinely gobsmacked.  EDIT - That's because these results were wrong.
To double check this, I reran the REW checks using the slightly trickier method via the SOtM kit and compared to last week’s curve produced in the same way.  This still shows a peak at about 4.75kHz, but it is reduced by a little under 3dB, and it indicates that I have gained a peak at maybe 8.4kHz.  So this does show that how you use REW can have a big influence on results.  Either way, the 4.75kHz peak is indicated as reduced, that speaker nudge has done something.  Intriguingly, that 2 or 3dB number keeps reoccurring, either in graphs or in terms of how much I like to turn the treble setting down.

At this point, all I had done was produce some pretty graphs, and although slightly gobsmacked by the graphs, I had little confidence that the system would sound that much different.
OK, REW was saying that my system should sound different, but I was having difficulty believing that rotating one speaker by something like 1 degree would do much.

Next to some listening, I lined up the same playlist of tracks that had alerted me to the treble issue in the first place and sat down for a listen.  In summary, a vast improvement. There were a couple of tracks that I think first alerted me to the ‘harsh sounding SOtM’ issue, these sounded fine now, in fact, they sounded excellent.  I then tried a couple of tracks that have never sounded that good, they were still a little problematic, but as an experiment I tried using Roon’s parametric EQ to dial out my ‘new’ 8kHz peak, one of those not very sounding tracks suddenly sounded as good as I have ever heard it.  This was a pleasing result.  With three treble sensitive tracks I re-tried my ‘blind’ treble adjustment test, the results were 0.0, 0.0 & +0.5.  Curiously, in subjective terms, I would still say that the mR sounds darker than the SOtM kit, and yet I can pretty much nail the blind treble test on 0.0dB.  
Genuinely fascinating.  I would now say that the fundamental issue is solved, and I can now see scope for further investigation and improvement.  I have been hunting blind with this one, but now I can clearly see my foe and so can go on the attack.  (and how cool is Roon?  You can adjust the parametric curve on an iPad, sat in the listening position, in real time.  Very, very, cool)

In general terms, the rig is now sounding as good as it ever has, plus I can now see easy scope for further optimisation.  As one example, I think my room is generally a good one for audio, it is rectangular / symmetrical, a good size (14’ by 20’), carpeted, rear wall broken up, furnished and full of junk.  One key negative issue could be ‘first reflection points’, on the left side I have nice floor to ceiling curtains to soften things up a bit, on the right side a solid wall (breeze block and dry wall).  Definitely not ideal, definitely not symmetrical, from an audio perspective at least.  Plus I have learned that my adjusting the speaker toe-in by basically nothing much can make the difference between a sometimes annoying and fatiguing listen, to audio joy.  Definite scope for optimisation.

This does leave one mystery though, why did the 4.75kHz ‘presence’ issue bother me with the SOtM kit, and not with AIR or the mR.  Indeed, I watched a couple of movies over the Easter break, with the Blades on front speaker duty fed (analogue) from a Yamaha AV surround decoder.  It sounded spectacular.  So why did this issue only hit me with the SOtM kit in place?

Considering AIR, the mR and SOtM kit show almost identical frequency curves, a logical conclusion would be that the SOtM kit does actually sound harsher in the presence region.  Everyone says the SOtM kit is more transparent, so this is counter-intuitive, but it is logical.  Time for another experiment.  I set up a very strange Roon parametric EQ, to eliminate bass, mids and emphasise the presence region.  Not the most pleasant thing to listen too, but it does allow you to hear the offending region with great clarity.  I plan to try this with the mR vs SOtM kit, but frankly I could not be bothered to swap the two today.  So as a simple experiment I tried this SOtM versus Roon AIR, which does not require any kit and cable swapping.  It is a difficult test but I could hear some differences, very subtle though.  One thing is clear, even with this horrific presence only set-up, I can hear nothing fundamentally wrong with the SOtM kit, but things like the snare springs of a snare drum do sound a little different.  One very curious result, I tried listening to a snare drum section with this bonkers EQ with the Mutec engaged then disengaged with the SOtM kit, it’s subtle, and I am convinced it was far better with the REF10 in play.  Might be expectation bias I suppose, but I am sure it sounded clearer.  So clearer presence resolution with enhanced presence frequencies might be enough to trigger some kind of psychoacoustics effect?  This might be worth revisiting when I have a little more time.  (and can be bothered.)  Also, I think the bonkers EQ method might be informative when trying different power options with the SOtM items, in terms of clearly indicating any effect in frequency region that my brain is clearly very sensitive too.  The same applies to future SMPS elimination tests and similar.

I have to conclude that sometimes the tiniest things can have a positive or negative effect, and sometimes the tiniest negatives can grab your attention to the elimination of most everything else.  This might explain why some people are made very happy with things like USB cable swaps and why seemingly insignificant stuff like changing the power supply to a component can yield perceptible results.

So many things for continued investigation.  At a basic level the issue is solved, but the puzzle as to why the mR sounds (subjectively) darker does remain.  I am listening to the SOtM kit now, it does sound brighter, I am telling you.

Time for a break!
1000 Pro - KEF Blade - iFi Zen Stream - Mutec REF10 - MC3+USB - Pro-Ject Signature 12
Yet another update.....

As mentioned in my above post, it was bugging me a little why I was getting inconsistent REW results running REW in the conventional way using AIR, and via generating a wav file to play via Roon / HQPlayer SOtM or mR streaming. A bit of playing around today I have solved this issue and can get bang on consistent results between the two. The only remaining niggle is that the wav file generation method works fine if the file is 16bit, but I still get odd results if it is 24bit. The key point is that I can generate pretty much identical graphs now with Roon / SOtM, Roon AIR, and REW by itself with AIR.

Unfortunately, these results show I still have a bit of peak at 4.75kHz, this is consistent with all methods of using REW. So in the interests of honest and open posting, I can declare that the measurements per post #131 yesterday appear to be erroneous and tricking me, or at least I cannot duplicate them today.

This is an object lesson in confirmation bias, I had measurements that indicated an improvement, I listed and heard an improvement. It looks now as if yesterday's measurements were suspect for some reason, but they did still serve to fool my brain. I m actually a little puzzled by yesterdays results, as the REW runs were done exactly as I did a week ago, I just cannot repeat them today, and today I have REW working 100% consistently, however I use it.

I did think about deleting the above post because I now know some of it was wrong and I was kidding myself, at least in part. However, I thought it might be more informative to put the sections where I now think expectation bias was tricking me in italics, this is full disclosure. I have made a bit of an idiot of myself in post #131, let's be honest, but being open about this is far more informative (and probably entertaining for you lot) than deleting stuff and covering my tracks. Trust your ears they say, but beware, even if you know expectation bias exists it can still come and bight you! I think it is when you think you are infallible to the trickery that your brain can perform that you might really be in trouble.

One thing that is still right in the post #131 nonsense is that the SOtM kit does sound subjectively brighter, I had not changed my view there. So the mystery of why the mR sounded darker remains.

I am pleased that I have the REW issues sorted, that one is off my mind. The REW results are clear now. Oh, and in case you are wondering, for the last hour or so I have just been listening to music, no more measuring and tinkering for a while!
1000 Pro - KEF Blade - iFi Zen Stream - Mutec REF10 - MC3+USB - Pro-Ject Signature 12
Hi Confused..Although its really informative and entertaining to read your posts, they are dangerous for the wallet. I have taken a plunge and have ordered Mutec Ref-10 after reading many reviews including your's :-)
I have not ordered SOTM kit yet. Just want to know from some of you whether it will bring good amount of improvements to Oppo-203 as a transport. I have hooked up Oppo 203 to Mutec MC3+USB now. This is my second MC3.. I sold my first one after listening to Roon AIR :-(
Oppo-203 / SonicTransporter i7 Roon Core ->Trinnov Altitute-16->TAD M2500MK-1 -> TAD CR-1
(09-Apr-2018, 20:35)sam1000 Wrote: Hi Confused..Although its really informative and entertaining to read your posts, they are dangerous for the wallet. I have taken a plunge and have ordered Mutec Ref-10 after reading many reviews including your's :-)
I have not ordered SOTM kit yet. Just want to know from some of you whether it will bring good amount of improvements to Oppo-203 as a transport.  I have hooked up Oppo 203 to Mutec MC3+USB now. This is my second MC3.. I sold my first one after listening to Roon AIR :-(

I'm not Confused but I have a similar setup to his (look at my signature) plus an Oppo UDP-203 going through the Mutec MC3+USB. I have not compared the sound quality to SOtM but if you are interested in my opinion I could make such a comparison. It will be a little unfair though as the Oppo is not hardware modified i.e. it has its original SMPS. Also, I haven't got installed on it so I can only use its DLNA rendering. Nevertheless, if interested, I could do such a comparison later this week. 

At the same time, SOtM is doing an upgrade on the Oppo, including a linear power supply and installing an sCLK-ex board. I guess it costs more than the player itself but you could also ask SOtM if you are better off with an SMS-200ultra or an Oppo upgrade by them.
Win10/HQPlayer / Roon - Uptone Audio Etherregen switch / SOtM-SMS-200 ultra with clock input - Mutec REF 10 clock for the switch and the streamer - Denafrips GAIA DCC - Devialet D800 - YG Acoustics Carmel - Dual Elac SUB-2090 
power supplies: Uptone JS-2, SOtM SPS-500
Thanks Zoltan, If you could do the comparison, that would be great! Sorry Confused. I hope you don't mind if Zoltan posts his impression in this thread.
Oppo-203 / SonicTransporter i7 Roon Core ->Trinnov Altitute-16->TAD M2500MK-1 -> TAD CR-1
(10-Apr-2018, 07:25)sam1000 Wrote: Thanks Zoltan, If you could do the comparison, that would be great! Sorry Confused. I hope you don't mind if Zoltan posts his impression in this thread.

Not at all.  Going off topic, the Oppo mod that Zoltan refers to is actually quite interesting, it uses the SOtM sCLK-EX board together with power supply and capacitor mods.  Elsewhere, I have read that the end results are superb, more or less state of the art.  I must admit I find the thought of a REF10 powered Blu-ray player quite intriguing!  The mods are over $2000 I believe, so not a cheap upgrade.

Meanwhile, it would be very interesting to hear how Zoltan's 'standard' Oppo sounds versus the SOtM kit.

Anyway, congratulations on the REF10 order.  It is a fine piece of kit, I am sure you will appreciate what it can do with the MC3+USB.

So with all that said, I can do a mini update of my own.  Sunday afternoon I tried a couple of other things with my system and also had a friend listen A/B to two slightly different set-ups.  I think I now understand why adding the SOtM kit has triggered something negative in my brain, and it has nothing to do with poor performance of the SOtM kit itself, quite the oppsite.  In fact a whole bunch of related things are now becoming clear.  After the confusion of post #131, I want to try a few things before I post more on this.  I will do a detailed update at the weekend.
1000 Pro - KEF Blade - iFi Zen Stream - Mutec REF10 - MC3+USB - Pro-Ject Signature 12
Really fun to read about your work @Confused to sort out the problem Smile

I feel that the SOtM kit has brought some really good sound to my system and the system with Roon ROCK just works really well.
Future plans are perhaps adding masterclock and the Uptone etherREGEN when it will be available.
Speakers:TAD CE-1. Amplifier: TAD M2500mk2. Digital: TAD DA1000-TX, Innuos Statement Next-gen, Innuos PhoenixNET.

Miscellaneous: Qobuz Studio, Ansuz Mainz 8 D2, Ansuz Darkz DTC, Tubulus Argentus ethernet cable, Tubulus Concentus USB cable, Tubulus Argentus V2 XLR cable, Tubulus Argentus V3 + V3 bass, iFi Nova powercables. 

Second system
Qobuz Studio -> Devialet Silver Phantom, Devialet Tree

(10-Apr-2018, 07:25)sam1000 Wrote: Thanks Zoltan, If you could do the comparison, that would be great! Sorry Confused. I hope you don't mind if Zoltan posts his impression in this thread.

While I was planning this comparison (of the SOtM kit and the Oppo UDP-203) I already formed sentences in my head. Like, 'there is a difference but an upgraded Oppo can be a match and a much neater solution', etc. Especially didn't expect much difference considering that both signals are reclocked by the Mutec MC3+USB / Ref 10 combo.

Before cutting into the chase, just the two setups briefly:

- The SOtM kit has both the SMS-200 ultra and the tx-USB ultra. The former is running on an Uptone JS-2 and the latter is on an SPS-500. The two USB cables are Wireworld Starlight Platinum 7 and Curious USB. In the SMS-200 ultra, I use the HQPlayer NAA and on my server HQPlayer running under Roon. Everything is upsampled to 192kHz.    

- The Oppo has not been modified in any way. It is connected with a reasonably good power cord, nothing fancy. For this test, I could only use DLNA streaming, so sampling rates stayed as they were. The digital cable to the Mutec is an Acoustic Revive DSIX modified to have BNC at the 'Mutec end'. 

- I played both standard resolution and hi-res files. 

So in this case, A/B testing was just by switching inputs on the Mutec. 

Well guys, it may be disappointing news that you won't be reading a detailed, thorough review of what happened. Because basically what happened was that the SOtM kit was SO MUCH BETTER in every aspect that it would be almost like comparing a mid-range family sedan to a performance car. Waste of cyberspace.
Details, dynamic range, spatial clues, noise floor, high-frequency clarity, bass extension, ...a never ending list. Everything is just better by a large margin.

These two players are not in the same league. Not even playing the same sport. 

All this surprised me, I must say. 
For one, I used an MSB Univeral Media Transport for 5-6 years for movies and music videos. That is a $4000 piece of transport based on the Oppo-DP-93. The video board is unchanged, the DAC is completely removed (by MSB, of course) and the soundboard, power supply, etc were all replaced by MSB to end up with a high-end transport. 
It was good indeed but when bought the UDP-203, I thought that while the picture quality was noticeably better, the sound quality didn't deteriorate much, if at all, possibly improved even. I was very happy and sold the MSB. 
Secondly, music Blue-ray discs sound absolutely fantastic, mesmerising even with the video. 
I'm still happy with the Oppo and it's a pity that they are giving up production. 

I have some experience how much a linear power supply can bring over an SMPS. I removed the SMPS from the Mutec MC3+USB, I also tried the SMS-200 ultra and the tx-USB ultra with their supplied SMPS and now high-quality power supplies and also some other equipment I had earlier. These numbers are arbitrary but if the SQ of the SOtM is 100 and the Oppo is 50, a good linear power supply could bring it up to 60-65. An added sCLK-ex board will make further improvements. I guess that will be akin to upgrading the SMS-200 to SMS-200 ultra. Based on what I read on that (never had the SMS-200 myself) that could bring the Oppo to 75-80. Perhaps using Roon Ready can add a little more again but Roon Ready was never as good in my tests as HQPlayer NAA. 

For about $2000 for the Oppo upgrade, you can't get the SOtM kit but you can get the SMS-200 ultra and a linear power supply which IMO will still give you better sound. I only bought the tx-USB ultra a few weeks ago and it improves the sound but not by a large margin. 

It makes me think though, how much better my music Blue-ray discs would sound with an upgraded Oppo. Probably much better. For purely music files I have a feeling the SOtM kit will stay on top.     

Win10/HQPlayer / Roon - Uptone Audio Etherregen switch / SOtM-SMS-200 ultra with clock input - Mutec REF 10 clock for the switch and the streamer - Denafrips GAIA DCC - Devialet D800 - YG Acoustics Carmel - Dual Elac SUB-2090 
power supplies: Uptone JS-2, SOtM SPS-500
Thanks for the comparison Zoltan, it's always good to have such a clear cut conclusion from A/B tests like this. One question I have, I see you are using an Uptone JS2 LPSU with your sMS-200Ultra. This is one of the better LPSU's for this kind of duty, so I would expect it to be very good, but can you give some kind of indication of how it compares to using the sPS-500 to power both SOtM items? (I am still having thoughts of one or two Paul Hynes SR4's)

Another thought I have, I think I would have been tempted to use the JS2 to power the tXUSBultra, being as it is the 'last item in the chain' before the Mutec MC3+USB. Have you tried this?
1000 Pro - KEF Blade - iFi Zen Stream - Mutec REF10 - MC3+USB - Pro-Ject Signature 12
(13-Apr-2018, 12:50)Confused Wrote: Thanks for the comparison Zoltan, it's always good to have such a clear cut conclusion from A/B tests like this.  One question I  have, I see you are using an Uptone JS2 LPSU with your sMS-200Ultra.  This is one of the better LPSU's for this kind of duty, so I would expect it to be very good, but can you give some kind of indication of how it compares to using the sPS-500 to power both SOtM items?  (I am still having thoughts of one or two Paul Hynes SR4's)

Another thought I have, I think I would have been tempted to use the JS2 to power the tXUSBultra, being as it is the 'last item in the chain' before the Mutec MC3+USB.  Have you tried this?
I plan to do power supply testing in the near future. As I mentioned several times, I got better results on the SMS-200 ultra with the JS-2 than the SPS-500. In fact, I wanted to try on the tx-USB ultra too but my unit has problems from the beginning. 4 times out 5 after booting I cannot connect the SMS-200 ultra to the Mutec (through NAA) if the tx-USB ultra is in the chain. The USB device just doesn't show up. The same if I connect to the Devialet USB input. This has been going on for several weeks now and SOtM has been very helpful but we haven't been able to identify the reason and I have run out of ideas what may be at fault. 

I tried the tx-USB ultra once with a PH SR3 but the power supply developed a problem. A technician fixed it and said that it cannot be completely ruled out that the problem was caused by the unit it was powering (the tx-USB ultra). So I am reluctant to connect anything else than the SPS-500 now. Hopefully, my unit will be replaced in Munich next month. Then I can do more testing.
Win10/HQPlayer / Roon - Uptone Audio Etherregen switch / SOtM-SMS-200 ultra with clock input - Mutec REF 10 clock for the switch and the streamer - Denafrips GAIA DCC - Devialet D800 - YG Acoustics Carmel - Dual Elac SUB-2090 
power supplies: Uptone JS-2, SOtM SPS-500

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