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upgrade is back
What I am about to say is likely to rub some people the wrong way.  For those that it does take it from one enthusiast to another as a little tough love.

There is absolutely NO difference in sound quality between any of the Devialet Expert series models, NONE!  That's right, I said it.  It needed to be said.  From the 120(110) / 200(170) all the way to the 400 / 800 the sound quality is indistinguishable from amp-to-amp, in other words, identical across the board, that's right they all sound the SAME!

Likewise, there is absolutely NO difference in sound quality between any of the Devialet Expert Pro series models either, NONE!  That's right, I said it again.  It needed to be said again.  From the (130)140 / 220 all the way to the 440 / 1000 the sound quality is once again indistinguishable from amp-to-amp, in other words, identical across the board, that's right they once again all sound the SAME!

Why do I say that?  Because they were engineered that way!!!  So why then do people claim to hear differences between models of the same series?  The answer lies somewhere between three sets of subjective analysis... propaganda, perception and placebo (aka the 3 P's).


People are easily persuaded by what they are told, regardless of whether it's truthful or not, especially if they are unable to validate it.  There is countless historical evidence that proves this.  It's no different with this hobby.  Some new tech comes along, like the Devialet D-Premier, and people spring into action.  They want a piece of this exciting industry disturbing movement so they acquire the gear by any means necessary.  Then they publicize all the wonderful merits this new tech provides.  Then not long after everyone has been exposed things begin to change, the newness wears off. Eventually the publicity starts to fade and then the flavor of the month is replaced by something else.  These people will profess why you should own one (just before they move on).  These are often the same people that claim the more expensive models will sound better too.  HOGWASH!


People have this crazy notion or belief that if something is more expensive than another then it must be better just because it is more expense.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Price is not indicative of performance and it should NEVER be your guide.  Once again, there are countless examples that proves this.  NO ONE should be upgrading their equipment to the next level thinking because it is more expensive it therefore must be better.  WRONG!


When people audition equipment many times it's around other people and in a setting that is not entirely conducive to controlled critical listening.  The discussions during and afterwards has an influence on people mostly positive because they tend to be polite about it.  If you are fortunate enough to critically audition equipment (in a controlled environment) before you buy you may formulate a better opinion, then again maybe not.   Sadly, most people are not fortunate enough to do this so they are more dependent on what other people say.  It's a different venue here but the process is no less the same.  People will buy a piece of gear and talk about how they think it performs only to replace it later with something else that they are convinced sounds better... after all they bought into it (both figuratively and literally) so of course it's better, it has to be better, it better be better.  FALLACY!

So, is it foolish for people to spend the money to, move up, trade-in, exchange, upgrade or however you wish to call it from say the 120 to the 200 or from the 200 to the 400 or from the 250 to the 800?  That all depends on the reasons why they did it.  If it was for sound quality then YES it was foolish.  Someone said this type of decision making is a personal choice and there is no right or wrong to it.  NO IT IS NOT!  It is a PRACTICAL one.  A personal choice would be deciding between Brand/Class X or Brand/Class Y.  A practical choice would be deciding which Brand/Class X to get (which pertains to this topic).

Besides features the ONLY reason a person would need to "level up" (pay more money) is for more POWER, clean, unadulterated POWER.   You do not need a Devialet Expert 800 to get the best performance from a Devialet Expert.  But you may need the additional power it can provide.  But let me be VERY CLEAR, MORE POWER DOES NOT IMPROVE SOUND QUALITY!!!  It ONLY increases SPL, that's Sound Pressure Level, the ability to play at higher volumes and maintain the same level of sound quality.

Lots of clean power is very expensive to make, so if your system needs it then you have to pay a lot for it.  But how do you know your system needs lots of power?  (Actually, most people don't they just think they do.)  You have to calculate and/or measure it.  One way is to use a multimeter of sorts.  Another, quick and dirty, way is to push the limits of the Devialet until the protection circuitry kicks in, although I don't recommend this.  

I seriously doubt anyone here, sans engineers, has actually taken the time to measure what they need.  Until you do you are just guessing.  That said, it's okay to play it safe and buy more power than you think you need but don't think for one instant that a 800 watt Devialet sounds any better than a 120 watt Devialet does (just because it has the potential to do more work - a little engineering wit).  It doesn't!

What's been said about the Expert line is no different for the Expert Pro line.  But what about between the lines?  The Pro series architecture has been improved and in some important ways but those ways were primarily for power and thermal efficiencies (plus a few new features).  Some of theses benefits will manifest themselves as improvements to sound quality but they will be very subtle at best.  They are not going to be the day and night differences and profound revelations people claim, even under the best of circumstances.  It's a perpetual gross exaggeration of the facts when people make these claims.  Perhaps because these same people easily succumb to the 3P's.

What about the people that are adamant about the improvements they hear?  Those people are entitled to their opinion, even if their perspective is skewed.  What about the specs, the dual-mono's have better specs so surely they sound better?  Nope, they are simply the benefits of a bridged design.  But lets assume for a moment that they made a difference wouldn't it matter then?  Again nope, because there isn't a single person on the planet that has the physiology to detect a 0.00025% delta of distortion and a 3dB lower noise floor over 120+ dB SNR.

Unless the additional features and power is necessary all (110)120 owners should be rejoicing about now.  You don't need a Space Shuttle like budget to soar high above the clouds when a modest pocket rocket can deliver the same benefit.  Just ask Jeff Fritz!
"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today."
(06-Aug-2018, 06:40)RebelMan Wrote: But let me be VERY CLEAR, MORE POWER DOES NOT IMPROVE SOUND QUALITY!!!  It ONLY increases SPL, that's Sound Pressure Level, the ability to play at higher volumes and maintain the same level of sound quality.
My experience differs a little so let me tell you about it.
I bought a 170 with the idea that one day I would upgrade to larger speakers and I could use it as a pre-amp with more powerful mono amps. The the upgrade to 200 came along but with the extra power we also got SAM so I can't comment on the merits of the extra 30 Watts.
I got to like the sound of the 200 and also heard the 250 on Vivid Giya G3's and loved that sound so when the dual mono 800 was introduced I thought I might just stay with the brand and upgrade one day to an 800 for the extra power I might need.
Then came along the chance to buy an Original d' Atelier at a very good price. A very good price though for what the market value was but not a cheap buy for me at all. It was a LOT of money to me and I had to have a deep conversation with my wife about it. I bought it unheard with in the back of my mind that if it didn't live up to the hype, I could sell it on for what I paid for it or even make a little bit of profit on it. So we went ahead with the buy and soon we owned an amplifier that cost as much as a car! Crazy!
Anyway, we installed it and I listened. Keep in mind here that my speakers are only small and can't handle anywhere near the power the Od'A can deliver. They do like power though and that's where my experience differs from your theory. Where the Od'A pulled ahead of the 200 was not in SPL because I simply couldn't put all that power to use. It pulled ahead in low volume clarity and bass performance. And that was the only thing I had to make my judgement on. Higher SPL wasn't going to happen and I doubt with my speakers I'm my room at the time I could have picked the difference between the 200 and Od'A at say 85dB at the listening seat.
I know it's easy to say that the placebo effect would have altered the way I was listening but that simply isn't true. The difference in bass depth between SAM on and off is much bigger on the 200 than it is on the Od'A. I think that this is because of the Od'A's extra power or maybe it's because the Od'A is just the better amp. But it's definitely there. It's there so clearly, placebo effect is not even an option.
So there you have it. Same SPL, different amp. Different sound quality. 
Now, does this mean the upgrade was worth the money? Not if I stick with my current speakers and definitely not if I don't build a purpose built listening room. The differences aren't THAT huge. But they are definitely there and definitely will be worth it the when  I upgrade my speakers. As with everything, the law of diminishing returns comes into play. You don't get twice the quality for twice the money. A Volkswagen Golf GTI takes about twice as much time to get from 0 to 100 km/h as Porche 911 Turbo does yet the Porche costs about 8 times as much. That probably gives a fair comparison rate with the Od'A/200; 1.5 times as good for 4 times the money.
You mentioned you would probably rub people the wrong way by posting your theory. You don't rub me the wrong way at all. I'm a big boy and I know what I want in life and don't really care what others think. But what I do think is that you're a bit off the mark and maybe you should have a crack at listening to a higher dollar value Devialet amp in a good room with a good set of speakers, well setup and with a glass of your favourite plonk in your hand. You might just find you're wrong  Wink
                                                    Lifetime Roon, Mac mini, int. SSD, ext. HDD, tv as monitor, key board and track pad on bean bag as remote,Devialet 200, Od'A #097, Blue jeans speaker cable,                                     
                                                                                                                                                                            Dynaudio C1 MkII.
                                                                                                                                                                              Jim Smith's GBS.
                                                                                                                                                                        Northern NSW Australia.
RebelMan has lots of things to say, but honestly most of it is not worthwhile ones time, and he SHOUTS. He doesn't say what his system is so we have no idea what his references are. Maybe it is not reference class at all? I'll just ignore his posts from now on....
Roon, ROCK/Audiolense XO/Music on NAS/EtherRegen/RoPieee/USPCB/ISORegen/USPCB/Sound Devices USBPre2/Tannoy GOLD 8
250 Pro CI, MicroRendu(1.4), Mutec MC-3+USB
RebelMan's argument is fundamentally flawed, because sound quality is subjective and personal. Enough said.

Regarding style: using a less condescending and dogmatic tone might at least treat other forum members with a degree of respect.
Roon (Mac Mini), Wilson Benesch Full Circle, Expert 1000 Pro CI, Kaiser Chiara
Warwickshire, UK
(06-Aug-2018, 09:50)ogs Wrote: RebelMan has lots of things to say, but honestly most of it is not worthwhile ones time, and he SHOUTS. He doesn't say what his system is so we have no idea what his references are. Maybe it is not reference class at all? I'll just ignore his posts from now on....

Hi Ogs, take it easy. The sun is shining, the beer is cool, what more do you want! Big Grin
Aavik U-280 / Audio Physic Cardeas / Melco N1ZS + D100 / Melco Switch S100 / KECES P8 Dual / Transparent Audio PowerWave X / Cable: Audioquest, Shunyata, Transparent, Ansuz Digitalz A2 Ethernet, USB
Remote: iPad-Pro
Roon Nucleus+(B), Lifetime / Qobuz Studio Sublime                                                                                                          
Germany / Bavaria
@Pim You make some good points.  I should clarify on one that I didn't.

The Devialet L’Original d’Atelier is a GORGEOUS piece of kit and worth every penny, period!  I LOVE the Od'A.  But that love has little to do with its prowess.  I deliberately left the Od'A out of the equation because it is neither Expert nor Expert Pro but rather Expert Prototype.  Because it's a mixed breed it's not as easy to categorize and therefore I kept it out of the discussion.  But seeing as you brought it up I will digress a little.

Perhaps foolish was a bit harsh?  Lets see...

If a man walks across a street fully clothed would that be foolish?  No.  If a man walks across the street bare naked would that be foolish?  Of course.  Why?  It's the same man walking across the same street and to his mind he doesn't think it's foolish, after all he's the one doing it right?  Regardless it's foolish.

Obviously spending more money than you need to is foolish.  While I personally don't have a problem with it that doesn't change the facts.  However, in your case it isn't so foolish because the Od'A is special and to get something as special as the Od'A is you need to spend the money.  This is all provided you know what you are really spending the money on.  Making an upfront investment, as you state, for future plans (even of they don't pan out) is not only okay but forward thinking.  Again, I have no problem with this.  

The exception that I take with people that upgrade to more power is the largely misguided rational that it will sound better.  It won't unless some of the conditions have changed, like the load of the speakers, the damping of the room, the health of your ears, to name a few, thus potentially pushing the lesser amp beyonds its limits.

You don't mention the conditions of your analysis but you do make one thing perfectly clear.  You wanted the Od'A, badly.  Enough to justify the means necessary to keep it like observing an improvement in low volume clarity and bass performance.  Perhaps there was an genuine observable improvement, the Od'A is after all a unique blend of technologies.  Regardless which it is, you cannot discount the bias factor that forms the basis of your conclusion.

(On a side note, the placebo effect did come to mind when I read half way through your post and just before you noted it.)
"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today."
I've upgraded from 120 to 220pro and subjectively found it to be a step up, although I'm at the same time wondering how it should even be possible, since the measured accuracy of the 120 is supposedly way higher than any human's perceptive abilities.

I think it would be very instructive for both the sceptics and the believers to have available some sample files that were made with the different Devialet amps: the same music sample played through the different amps and AD converted with good quality from the speaker outputs. If all the resulting files turned out to be identical it would certainly be enlightening - and if they weren't, that would also be very interesting (and perhaps would drive even more people to upgrade upon listening to the differences).
(06-Aug-2018, 09:50)ogs Wrote: RebelMan has lots of things to say, but honestly most of it is not worthwhile ones time, and he SHOUTS. He doesn't say what his system is so we have no idea what his references are. Maybe it is not reference class at all? I'll just ignore his posts from now on....
Wait a minute.  It wasn't that long ago when people were complaining about how boring this forum was.  SURPRISE!  LOL
"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today."
(06-Aug-2018, 10:56)K4680 Wrote:
(06-Aug-2018, 09:50)ogs Wrote: RebelMan has lots of things to say, but honestly most of it is not worthwhile ones time, and he SHOUTS. He doesn't say what his system is so we have no idea what his references are. Maybe it is not reference class at all? I'll just ignore his posts from now on....

Hi Ogs, take it easy. The sun is shining, the beer is cool, what more do you want! Big Grin

Hi @K4680  I'm good, but we've had a nice tone on this forum for a long time and I'm prepared to defend that..
Roon, ROCK/Audiolense XO/Music on NAS/EtherRegen/RoPieee/USPCB/ISORegen/USPCB/Sound Devices USBPre2/Tannoy GOLD 8
250 Pro CI, MicroRendu(1.4), Mutec MC-3+USB
(06-Aug-2018, 10:52)thumb5 Wrote: RebelMan's argument is fundamentally flawed, because sound quality is subjective and personal.  Enough said.

Regarding style: using a less condescending and dogmatic tone might at least treat other forum members with a degree of respect.

With respect to this forum and the topic under review the argument is iron clad.  I did not speak in generalities.  My points were very specific and clear.

Respect is earned it is not given.  I have been silent about these matters for too long.  The TRUTH must be revealed and for some it will hurt.
"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today."

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